Photos from the 2019/2020 IETA ORIENTATION

Presentation by an IETA EXCO

The Islamic Economics Thought Association, IETA A.B.U chapter held it's orientation on the 8th February 2020, the orientation was graced by many prominent personalities, patrons, staff, students and other well wishers, The freshers were orientated on the purpose of their stay and they were introduced to islamic finance. It was indeed a succesful event

President giving a speech

He thanked all lecturers, students and invited staffs for honouring the events, and also re-iterated the commitment of IETA ABU to promoting and advancing the knowledge of Islamic finance

Invited staff and guest speaker

She Advised the students on the need to focus on their studies, asking them to shun all form of indecency and immorality, As such acts are detrimental to their performance

Orientation in progress

Invited speaker advising the students

He advised the new students to ensure they make the very best out of their first year on campus, stating that this is the best time to make a good CGPA , He subsequently went ahead to teach the new students how to Calculate their GPA.


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